Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Noun : a great start to Grammar introduction

It is always uneasy to start a new thing in your life. Grammar too has it's own good start.
Therefore, for the introduction, let us see through the meaning of nouns and have a quick reviews on them.

# A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing.
# Nouns are divided into five different kinds : --
Proper Nouns 
Common Nouns
Collective nouns
Material Nouns
Abstract Nouns
# A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place, or thing.
eg :  John ( person ) ;  Palm Beach County ( place ) ; The Chinese ( people );
                                                   Books ( thing )
# A Common Noun is a name that can be given to any person or thing of the same kind.
eg : Man, boy, table, dog
# A Collective Noun is singular in form though denoting more than one.
eg : Herd, army, flock.
# A Material Noun is the name of a substance
eg : Milk, iron, wood.
# An  Abstract Noun is the name of a quality.
eg : Love, truth, color.

Number of Nouns
# Number shows whether one is meant, or more than one.

# There are two Numbers : --
The Singular Number
The Plural Number

# The Singular number denotes only one object.

boy, girl

# The Plural number denotes more than one object.

boys, girls.

# The Plural is generally formed by adding s to the Singular :
pen      pens             chair       chairs
book    books          garden    gardens

# When the noun ends in s, x, ch, or sh, the Plural is formed by adding es to the Singular : -
glass     glasses        watch    watches
box       boxes         dish       dishes

# If the noun ends in y, and the y has consonant going before it, the Plural is formed by changing y into ies : -
duty    duties       army   armies
fly       flies           lady    ladies
But if the y has vowel going before it, the Plural is formed by simply adding s : --
day      days      key           keys
boy      boys     monkey   monkeys

# Most nouns ending in f or fe form the Plural by changing f or fe into ves
calf      calves         life       lives
knife    knives         wife     wives
leaf      leaves         thief     thieves

If the noun ends in o, and the o is preceded by a consonant, the Plural is generally ( not always ) formed by adding es to the Singular : --
cargo    cargoes      negro     negroes
hero      heroes        potato   potatoes
# But if the o is preceded by a vowel, the Plural is formed by simply adding s to the singular : --
bamboo    bamboos       curio    curios
cuckoo     cuckoos        studio   studios

# Some nouns from their Plurals irregularly : 
man       men          tooth       teeth
woman  women      mouse    mice
foot       feet           ox           oxen
goose    geese        child       children

# Some Nouns have the same from in the Plural as in the Singular : -
deer      deer             fish        fish     ( fishes )
sheep    sheep           dozen    dozen ( dozens )

credit to: ebglishdaily626.com

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